Basics: Hosting
a- Choose a Web Host.
Again as stated before, The Key
to everthing you do is . this Principle of Leverage - I am going to beat this into you
until you get it - just kidding!- Always ask yourself this, "How can I multiply your efforts,
time and investment many many times over what I can put into it myself.?"
a)-Choosing Your WebHost - a
System of Leverage?
It can be. What if:
- instead just getting one domain to put on one hosting account you could get
multiple domains to put on the same website account.
- your webhost also had an affiliate program so that your costs for hosting
that site would be covered by just introducing it to 3or 4 other people. What
- that website had multiple tools at your disposal that you could use for
e-comerce, quest books, chat programs, and multiple other features you could plug in if
you were only a little bit internet savy without having to search yourself over the net
or having to hire programmers. What if
- you could set websites for other people and subhost securely a portion of
your webspace that you are not using for additional monthly revenue. What
- you also could plug into an optional e-commerce site with top selling
internet products already set up to get you up and running now.
This describes the host provider I use for
this site. I run a my own autoresponder from it for my newsletter, I use it to
transfer large e-files (over 10-20-100 megabytes, I also use it as my email host provider in
additon to my main email provider which is web-based for a number of good
Q. What's most important in a web-host Provider?
Always remember that your website is the key to your profitable future and getting a reliable host
is extremely important. A website site host with proffessional staff on hand and substancial
investment in providing top rate service is invaluable. You want all security issues taken care of
to be save from hackers and all unexpected events.
- You want to have a host for your site which has extremely fast connection
times so that your customers will not have to wait 30 seconds or more for your page to
load. And of course you want your downloads to be . . .you guessed it -fast!
You want your host to have a TI backbone going to both East and West coasts in
case one or the other goes down. Your electronic connection to your customers is the
lifeblood of your business. You want it to work for 24 hours out of each and every day.
Nothing else is good enough. The key is reliability. There are free and next to free sites
out there but as your business grows and begins to make demands on your host provider - are
they going to be realiable - check it out now before you put too much time into anyone
- You want to make sure they have Front Page extensions, if you are using
Microsoft Front Page to create your website.
- Does your host have auto responders ( This allows you to easily manage email
collection and sending out in mass email letters to your registered visitors.
- How about backups does your host have a reliable system? How often do they
do backups? How long will it take them to restore your system if something goes wrong?
(You still have to do your own backups - irregardless).
- What statistical package does your host make available to you. Do you have a
bare bones package or none at all? Do they offer an advanced package -how much does it
- Are there limits to file transfers? Will you have to pay more once your site
gets busier?
- Does your host have shopping cart software? Does it cost extra for an e
commerce package?. If so how much more? Does the shopping cart also have an
affiliate/associate program?
- How much space do you get? How much does extra space cost should you site
Recommendations for host providers:
- the host provider I using for this site - top rate support - very happy with
them -
- a comrehensive
business system I use for my sister site geared to get top web positioning & is designed
for the non-technical excellent affiliate program
- a free host I use for a simple 1-3 pager
- a free host 2 page website I
used for 5 years now
- a free 1 page quickie site good for quick & dirty entry
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