List Of Recommended Web Site
Asset Protection:
Wealth Creation:
You can Achieve Financial Independance with the right mindset and the Right
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Step 1) Dramatically Cut Cost of Debt Servicing:
Step 2) Plan & Restructure your Affairs:
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This is where you could include a list of appropriate web sites.
When producing your list of recommended web sites it is worth include brief
descriptions for each site as this will allow you to build in some of your chosen keywords and phrases. You
might even wish to include screen-shots of your selected sites as that not only confirms to the visitor that
they've found your recommended page, but also makes your page content more attractive than a simpe text list.
Again, keywords can feature within image ALT-Tags, too.
When linking to external resources such as third-party web sites, be sure to
set your link properties so that the web page opens in a new window. Right click the
link here to check out the property settings - the 'target' should be '_new'. This ensures that in
viewing more information about the recommended site(s) the visitor does not leave your site entirely - your
site remains open behind the new window.
Tip: If you are featuring links to, and/or recommendations
of, particular companies' sites, don't be afraid to ask them for a 'reciprocal link'. This means that in return
for your recommendation of their site, they place a link back to your web site upon their own site. This is a
crucial part of link-building and can have a marked impact on your site's ranking in the search