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You are in for a real real treat - these letters are primarily my
own notes of interviews with millionaires and authors of success that I have been
fortunate to have access to and am willing to share with you.
Rest assured I respect your privacy, your email address will never be rented or
sold and you may remove your email address at any time.
Primarily my intention is to expose you or introduce you to the mental
tools of success and give you some avenues where you too can break free in every sense of
the word.
A lot of lessons can be learnt from the examples of different people from
different walks of life. My hope is that you can take their examples and apply it to your
own life. Should you wish to dig deeper I have provided links to books at or
to an authors website or program. In that way I can partially subsidize the cost of
producing this free newsletter - so I request your co-operation and understanding in
coming from abundance.
Les Raketti aka
"Masterbuilder" is a term used referring to the time when the architect was historically at
the same time the planner, the designer, the structural engineer, the mechanical engineer, the
civil engineer, the artist and the visionary in servitude to a patron who had the power, the
wealth and the foresight to facilitate another world. Examples of great masterbuilders in
history are Leonardo di Vince and Michealangio to mention only two. In servitude, what is mine
is yours.
It's simple! Just "Stay tuned" for the next installment of this bulletin and
let us introduce you to a fantastic business and a tremendous group of people interested in helping
YOU achieve success!